
Access for Women in Energy Newsletter and Invitation – Apr 2016

The April 2016 edition of Access for Women in Energy Newsletter includes recent press articles related to women and their contribution to the energy sector. Women have taken on more prominent leadership positions in the energy industry, according to Boston Consulting Group. Odeth Reynolds,vice-president of human resources and environmental health and safety at Jamaica Energy Partners, also supports that “with proper training, mentorship and the right attitude, women can flourish in the male-dominated energy industry”. In the meantime, a new study shows that the number of women in senior positions in oil and gas roles in Norway has risen to 21 percent. The estimate is up from a decade ago when the figure stood at 15 percent.

Electric CarThe Windsor Energy Group (WEG), a sister organisation to Access for Women in Energy, is hosting two events in May. Lord buy accutane singapore Oxburgh will chair the meeting in the House of Lords on 16 May. The discussion will focus on the development of super batteries which will allow green energy to be stored efficiently off-peak.

The second event will take place on 24 May. Jack Caravelli and Sean Williams will speak on how best to deal with cyber threats facing energy companies. Jack is a former adviser to the US National Security Council and Sean heads the Tennessee Valley grid protection scheme that involves Oakridge national laboratory. They will be joined by Bobby Beaty who was the US Department of Energy’s Special Response Team Commander and Special Operations Manager. The event will be hosted by CMS McKenna.

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