For the global energy industry, the COVID-19 crisis has exposed vulnerabilities that were previously overlooked and has amplified existing problems. But it has also shed light on some opportunities. While some see it as a transitory shock whereby sooner or later things will go back to “business as usual,” others see it defining a new path, with its own challenges and opportunities.
How have energy companies, private and state owned, small and large alike, coped with the crisis? Have they been forced to rethink their strategy and priorities? Who will fail and who will emerge competitively stronger? What needs to be done to succeed in a post-COVID world? These are some of the questions that Crystol Energy, in collaboration with Aspen Technology (AspenTech), the world’s leading supplier of asset optimization software solutions, tackled in a survey carried out in the third quarter of 2020.
The survey gathers valuable insights from leading practitioners in the industry, worldwide. Its findings are presented and analyzed in this report. The analysis is further supported by interviews carried out with industry leaders from a wide range of backgrounds and expertise, working in different regions.
The findings of the survey were presented during a webinar, which took place on 8 December 2020.
Guest column: Driving value and competitive advantage with Industrial AI , ManufacturingToday, Aug 2021
New paradigms of sustainable value in 2021, Oil & Gas Middle East, Feb 2021
Accelerated digitalization speeds towards sustainability, Bangkok Post, Feb 2021
The Self-Optimizing Plant Is Within Reach, Forbes, Jan 2021
“Global Oil and Gas Post-COVID: The Dawn of a New Age“, Dr Carole Nakhle, Apr 2021
“Has Covid-19 Defined a New Path for the Energy Industry?“, Dr Carole Nakhle, Nov 2020
Crystol Energy, in collaboration with the Lebanese Oil and Gas Initiative (LOGI), offered several internship opportunities for Lebanese graduates who wanted to pursue a career in the energy industry, whether domestically or globally.
Ghana Technical assistance on policy recommendations and initiatives for improving revenue capture in the oil and gas sector.
US GOM Oil Production and Proven Reserves