In an interview given to Mr John Defterios, CNNMoney Emerging Markets Editor, Mr Christof Rühl, Global Head of Research at ADIA, and Dr Carole Nakhle, CEO of Crystol Energy, comment on the last meeting of OPEC and non-OPEC ministers over their historic production-cuts agreement, as well as the rumours of a potential breakup.

Mr Rühl supports that the force is with Saudi Arabia and Russia at the moment, but the reality is much more complex, adding that it is not clear if the glue of oil politics will be strong enough to keep them together through 2018.
On the challenges Saudi Arabia might be facing during 2018 as it plans to sell 5 percent of its state oil company Saudi Aramco through an initial public offering (IPO), Dr Nakhle explains that if you are an investor and you start from $40 and you want to offer a valuation for something, it’s not the same as $60, irrespective of the outlook for the future.