Can electric vehicles deliver a just energy transition?
The growing EV sector promises to end our reliance on oil, but its benefits may not be evenly distributed worldwide…
The growing EV sector promises to end our reliance on oil, but its benefits may not be evenly distributed worldwide…
Only a year ago, the International Energy Agency (IEA) argued that there was no need for investment in new fossil fuel supply in its net zero pathway…
The EU imports a fifth of its uranium supplies from Russia, and sooner or later it will come under pressure to look for alternatives…
Recent geopolitical shocks could prompt China to become more risk-averse and renege on past climate pledges…
As we become enveloped in one of the worst energy crises in memory, with rocketing prices and rising doubts about basic national energy security or reliability, a chorus of advice keeps coming forward from expert quarters.
Many technologies needed for the green transition exist, but there are still significant hurdles before they can be deployed at the scale needed to reach net-zero emissions in the coming decades.
Sir, You argue in your editorial (“Power Up”, Dec 28) that “supply constraints would not now be biting so hard if western governments had scaled up investment in new technologies”.
In its latest climate change assessment, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change – concluded that “human influence has warmed the climate at a rate that is unprecedented in at least the last 2000 years.
Today, hardly any energy-related discussion can go without a mention of the energy transition. The focus is on greening the world’s primary energy and electricity mixes…
Hydrogen has become the linchpin of green energy transition strategies in many parts of the world. However, there is still no infrastructure that could accommodate wide-scale hydrogen use, and fossil fuels remain the most common energy source for production…
The Covid-19 crisis has not diminished the momentum of ambitious climate and energy targets and policies; if anything, this pursuit continues to grow as more governments are determined to “build back better…
Today, many believe that COVID-19 has pressed the green accelerator at the expense of conventional fuels which face a heightened risk of an imminent decline…